Energy Efficiency
Do you know what energy efficiency is?
Energy efficiency refers to the responsible use of energy by using as little energy as possible to carry out an activity.
Efficient energy use benefits us all by helping us to:
- Be more sustainable
Using less energy reduces the emission of carbon dioxide, thus reducing the carbon footprint that you may have heard about.
Carbon dioxide is a naturally occurring substance and is not particularly harmful unless it exceeds certain amounts because it will then deplete the oxygen we need to breathe and live.
It is everyone’s responsibility to reduce our negative impact on the environment and a matter of environmental awareness for all of us.
For this reason, energy efficiency is one of the measures that has been created to curb climate change and this is included in Agenda 2030.

How is energy efficiency measured?
Most household appliances, although for now not all of them, have a label that gives us information about their efficiency, this is what we know as energy labelling.
This law was decreed by the European regulation, trying to look for measures that help to reduce energy consumption and to be more respectful with the environment as we have been pointing out.
From March 2021, a new label came into force, in which you can access the manufacturer’s information via a QR code. New refrigerators, all types of heaters, and practically any household appliance we have at home, must have this label.
The most relevant information on the label is the energy consumption of the appliance. This consumption is reflected in kilowatt hours, i.e. the power it consumes every hour in order to operate. The less kilowatts the appliance uses, the more efficient it will be and therefore the greater your savings will be.
This efficiency is shown on a seven-letter scale from green to red.

According to this scale, appliances labelled with the letter A will be the most sustainable and the most energy efficient. As we go down the scale we will have less energy efficiency, with red being the least favourable.
If you are wondering how you can start being more efficient in the energy you consume, a clear example of energy efficiency is LED lights. Not only do they reduce the energy you use, but they last much longer, which also reduces our waste.
Energy Efficiency Certificate
The Energy Efficiency Certificate is a mandatory document for all properties. In it, a competent technician confirms that the property complies with all electrical requirements and that everything is in order.
In the document appears the data of how much energy does you need an energy performance certificate?the energy demand of the property in a year, taking as a reference, once again, the same scale that we saw before.
This scale takes into account consumption factors such as heating, boilers, ventilation, cooking in case it is electric, etc. And also other factors such as, for example, the air conditioning system in the house, the material of the doors and windows, since a good quality of these will ensure that the energy we generate is kept in the house.
When do you need an energy performance certificate?
Well, if you want to sell your house or flat you will have to present it, and if you want to rent you will also be asked for it. In case you don’t have it or the current one is out of date, it is a very simple procedure that can be solved in a few days.
In short, energy efficiency is an issue that concerns us all. We need to be aware that each and every one of our actions counts, and that small acts repeated on a continuous basis bring about big changes.
If you want to be part of the change, contact us and one of our advisors will make a personalised study of your case.